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Synchronised Universe

Not from here

My name is Synchronised Universe, and I am a writer, artist, investigator and a researcher, looking into ancient texts, occult, symbology, esoteric info and connecting the dots, in order to rediscover the true history of this planet, our solar system and humanity. This has even forced me to deeply look into the 'hidden hand' influencing human history, where we've come from, what their intention might have been, and more. Additional research made me realize that these ancient beings we refer to as gods in some cultures, never left–they are still here, and they have huge plans for humanity. Unfortunately, these plans are not to our benefit! 
Most of my work is from Wes Penre , Terence Mckenna, David Icke, Mark Passio and many others. which from 2011 has been diving into the details of the creation of our Universe/Multiverse; how and where life on Planet Earth started, the genetic manipulation of mankind, which made Homo sapiens sapiens come into existence, the War of the “gods” here on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe, much more on who are pulling the strings on the Global Elite, the upcoming difficulties and challenges we are meeting; and finally, how we can resolve this situation, which we can. When you buy my NFT's you are supporting my art and research. Everything you see here has been created with my own hands, usually over hours and days. I hope my art inspires you to delve deeper into these subjects which are considered taboo and a waste of time.