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Country Estate Girl

United Kingdom

Hi my name is Hannah, it’s me in the NFT’s. I create and sell them to fund my ambition to own a house in the countryside. You can find me on Twitter @CountryEst15368. I hope you enjoy my collection and thank you for looking 😘 For your information: ✅These are of me ✅I made them into NFT’s ✅I will add more when I can (the more I sell the more I can make) ✅The sales will greatly help me in my life ✅I will try and sell them as cheap as possible ✅I am 18+ years old ✅Once minted, the original picture is deleted and no other minted version will be created. ✅You will own the only version. ✅If you own 25+ of my NFT’s (with proof via Twitter DM) I will make a requested NFT (within reason)