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Fine Art Collection of 700 Paintings synthesized by revolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks. All pieces are unique, reflecting an exclusive blend of visionary artistry. As an owner of AI art, you sit at the cutting edge of the union between old and new, physical and digital, static and in motion.

'Green Knight' #0569


We use revolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks to generate beautiful still paintings and animations. All pieces are unique, reflecting an exclusive blend of visionary artistry from the likes of Rothko, Pollock, Picasso, Monet, and many more. As an owner of AI art, you sit at the cutting edge of the union between old and new, physical and digital, static and in motion.

AI Art in Motion

'Green Knight' #0569

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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 10 %
鑄造地址: 5rd5...Hk4J
NFT meta資料:在 SolScan 上查看