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“The First 100” is a never-before-seen Virtual NFT Art Fair featuring the pioneers and early adopters of what has become the ever-growing SolSea ecosystem. The concept of the fair is immersive VR NFT art trading. What this means is that we have taken two rapidly expanding technological advancements and merged them into a colossal hybrid that encompasses the best of both—the safety of blockchain and DeFi trading, and the immersive nature of the metaverse. In this manner, we are able to erase the boundaries by which the physical world is plagued. The future is blockchain, the future is now! We sincerely thank The First 100 artists for their support and faith in this project!

Alien Chill


Having landed from the planet of Cryptonite; AC is having a hard time trying to adjust to this human life. He’s read every book, watched every film and played every game in preparation for his new life on planet Earth; But he just cant decide on what look he likes best! He needs to hurry and decide though; his wardrobes getting full at the end of the day and his baggage allowance was only 500 costumes! Join in AC’s identity crisis and get your 1 of 1 NFT edition of Alien Chill right now! Be part of the most chilling cosmic community going #ALIENCHILL

Alien Chill

執照: PersPub/NonComm
已鑄造在 SolSea
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鑄造地址: 67pe...WzyQ
NFT meta資料:在 SolScan 上查看