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A collection of machine generated and human curated depictions of samurai and various aspects of feudal Japan. AI components of our images are obtained using apps such as WOMBO Dream, VQGAN+CLIP, ru-DALL-E, Snowpixel and Nightcafe. Plus that special human touch! We grant reproduction and commercial rights to our work.

XS #3: Queen



Ben Roberts

1274 saw the arrival of the Xenoses: invaders from another world. The Eurasian continent had faced their ravages before the Islands of the Rising Sun, and hundreds of samurai were dispatched to the Kingdom of Goryeo (modern Korea) to aid in trying to repel these monsters. One such warrior, his name unknown, penetrated a horde of the beasts, and aided the soldiers of Goryeo in prevailing against their fearsome Queen. It was a hard won victory, and the Rising Sun was now weakened militarily.

Ben Roberts

XS #3: Queen

執照: Repr/Comm
已鑄造在 SolSea
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 10 %
鑄造地址: 7nRi...JeZ7
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