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“NatureArt” " is an NFT art collection that presents a compilation of works created by photographer David Alfaro, a retrospective of the last 10 years of his career, based on photographs taken in different parts of the Americas and Spain, using part of his photographic portfolio and resorting to digital media to create alternative environments that invite imagination and reflection. The collection presents the vision of one of El Salvador's most renowned environmental photographers and unfolds a fantastic world loaded with a great symbolic richness in fascinating pieces, proposing an environmental portrait of our times and possible futures, celebrating the beauty and colours of nature in a new and unique way. “NatureArt” is a limited collection, created using compositional techniques, light and shadow perspectives sometimes unrealistic and inspired by nature, but addressing fragility, chaos and beauty through a surreal mix of radiant colours, atmospheres and textures, evoking sensations and provoking emotions, meticulously created as virtual art, transforming reality into an NFT. The artist defines the work created for this NFT collection as environmentalist surreal photography, blurring the boundaries between photography and the vectorisation of space, where natural motifs and sweet shapes are mixed and counterbalanced with disturbing textures, singular colours and sordid tones, which he uses as recurring elements. The whole process from the taking of the photograph, editing and effects with which the images are treated are the author's creation, without the intervention of Artificial Intelligence, being a long creative process for each work, with the aim of achieving a unique and exclusive art.

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surreal photo












my special tribute


Mainimbú legend



"According to legend, when the hour of death of a human being arrives, his soul detaches from his body and flies free to perch on a flower, there, hidden and safe, it waits. They say that the soul is purified in the flower, she waits perfumed, connecting with the land that has seen her born, but one day a hummingbird approaches her and discovers her among the petals, if she is the chosen one and her time has come, she lovingly picks her up and carries her in her body flying towards paradise. That's why hummingbirds jump from flower to flower and fly quickly until they're lost in the clouds." - - This particular hummingbird visited me every day for the past year at the same hour my grandmother died. Its presence helped me a lot to bear the pain of the loss. - - David Alfaro

Mainimbú NatureArt54

執照: Pub/NonComm
已鑄造在 SolSea
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 10 %
鑄造地址: 88Ri...7f5L
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