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All the greatest chess matches to have ever been played by the masters for you to relive and own in NFT format.

The Mozart of Chess



Actually there is one specific game that’s usually associated with Magnus Carlsen being named the “Mozart of chess.” I have seen that particular game referred to by chess authorities as “the Mozart game.” That would fit in the tradition of applying specific, UNIQUE names to particular classic chess games, i.e., Anderssen’s “Evergreen” and “Immortal”; Marshall’s “Shower of Gold Coins” game, Fischer’s “Game of the Century,” and Kasparov’s “Pearl of Wijk aan Zee.” The Carlsen game that’s most often given the appellation, “Mozart,” is Carlsen-Sipke Ernst. It was played at Corus Wijk aan Zee 2004, when Magnus was a mere 12 years old. Despite his youth, Magnus already had his IM title at that stage… but his opponent, Sipke Ernst, was also an IM who was higher rated than Magnus, I think. It can be replayed here: Magnus Carlsen vs Sipke Ernst (2004) The Magnus Effect The game itself is not only a beautiful tactical masterpiece that well illustrates the young winner’s deep calculation skill; it also was very theoretically significant, as the move sequence beginning with 18.Ng6! and continuing with 20.hxg6! and 21.Bxh6!! demolished once and for all what had been considered a safe main variation in the Caro-Kann Defense. (I don’t recall for certain what Magnus said about whether he had prepared that line, or discovered his brilliant moves over the board. I believe it was the latter.)

The Mozart of Chess

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