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The Wise Ancients is a personal, non-corporate project by Exotic Flavor, a historical digital art agency. Exotic Flavor commissions various digital artworks based on different historical time periods and then mints them as NFTS so that they may be available to all historical lovers that are interested in collecting premium quality historical NFT designs. The Wise Ancients consists of 33 different NFTs - 32 portraits of ancient period philosophers, military geniuses, and other notable figures from the ancient world, in addition to 1 supreme collectible of all 32 ancient wisemen together with an immense background design. Please note that this is not an NFT project with features and utilities, but rather a minting and savoring of historical art collections over the blockchain. We have chosen Solana to let our most memorable artwork commissions live on for many generations to come.

Marcus Aurelius






Died Before

180 A.D

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was Roman emperor from 161 to 180 A.D and a Stoic philosopher. He was the last of the rulers known as the Five Good Emperors (a term coined some 13 centuries later by Niccolò Machiavelli), and the second to last emperor of the Pax Romana, (27 B.C to 180 A.D), preceding his son Commodus in an age of relative peace and stability for the Roman Empire. He served as Roman consul in 140, 145, and 161 A.D. Marcus was born during the reign of Hadrian to the emperor's nephew, the praetor Marcus Annius Verus, and the heiress Domitia Calvilla. His father died when he was three, and his mother and grandfather raised him. After Hadrian's adoptive son, Aelius Caesar, died in 138 A.D, the emperor adopted Marcus's uncle Antoninus Pius as his new heir. In turn, Antoninus adopted Marcus and Lucius, the son of Aelius. Hadrian died that year, and Antoninus became emperor. Now heir to the throne, Marcus studied Greek and Latin under tutors such as Herodes Atticus and Marcus Cornelius Fronto. He married Antoninus's daughter Faustina in 145 A.D. After Antoninus died in 161 A.D, Marcus acceded to the throne alongside his adoptive brother, who reigned under the name Lucius Verus. Under Marcus's rule, the Roman Empire witnessed heavy military conflict. In the East, the Romans fought successfully with a revitalized Parthian Empire and the rebel Kingdom of Armenia. Marcus defeated the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Sarmatian Iazyges in the Marcomannic Wars; however, these and other Germanic peoples began to represent a troubling reality for the Empire. He modified the silver purity of the Roman currency, the denarius. The persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire appears to have increased during Marcus's reign, but his involvement in this is unknown. The Antonine Plague broke out in 165 or 166 A.D and devastated the population of the Roman Empire, causing the deaths of five to ten million people. Lucius Verus may have died from the plague in 169 A.D. Unlike some of his predecessors, Marcus chose not to adopt an heir. His children included Lucilla, who married Lucius, and Commodus, whose succession after Marcus has been a subject of debate among both contemporary and modern historians. The Column and Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius still stand in Rome, where they were erected in celebration of his military victories. Meditations, the writings of "the philosopher" – as contemporary biographers called Marcus – are a significant source of the modern understanding of ancient Stoic philosophy. They have been praised by fellow writers, philosophers, monarchs, and politicians centuries after his death. Lived Around: 2nd Century A.D (As with all our NFT collectibles, the preview image is only a low-quality, small-sized sample. Once you purchase the NFT, SolSea will automatically send you the full-size, premium quality, original image)

Marcus Aurelius

執照: Pub/NonComm
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 2.5 %
鑄造地址: ETum...NLNw
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