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All Chi and friends Nfts are hand drawn, inked and rendered digitally by hand. Art by the Industrial designer/ artist Eamonn Bernard from DM_Studios_2020. That's me! Chi, is an energetic spirited spider monkey originally born to explore life on our Galaxy, a hero for a book series but he never made it to the big stage. Spirited as Chi is and after over-coming the setback of never getting to explore the milky-way, a crypto star was born in the metaverse to explore the NFT way'. 'Chi' a cheeky spider monkey that loves equally seeking adventure and seeking time and ways to relax. He can be chill, calm and meditative and yet still rock out with the best of them. He loves meeting and befriending new animals with similar spirit of mind along his metaverse adventures. We meet Chi in all different ages through-out his adventures in different wearables and situations. In the metaverse even spider Monkeys have to pay their way and earn some crypto coin. Released in 3 stages the first are 40 NFTs, then a second of 30 NFTs and third lot to complete the 100 collection series.

Off the Top board



Outdoor dive arena

Head wearables

Beads of sweat

Chi-energy force Rating 0-10


In art Asset


Eye Wear


Daredevil rating






Safety gear

knee supports

Character traits

Sixth sence



Competitive diving takes great courage. To walk up all those flights of stairs knowingly you are about to jump off the edge of a springboard. The force that divers hit the water can break bones, dislocate joints, and they still have to miss hitting the board on their jump. Chi gets extra bravery points for this one, knowing all that and still jumping off at 10meter high and still no speedos, additional daredeveil points. The buzz feeling a diver gets for those 3 seconds, the sence of weightlessnes, awareness of consciousness of being in control of the gravitation forces. The self awareness required for a human to know what your body is doing as you suppersault off into a spin is extremely rare, and for a spider monkey.

Off the Top board

執照: Pub/NonComm
已鑄造在 SolSea
⚠️ 未經驗證的 NFT - 請在購買前檢查所有內容
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 9 %
鑄造地址: GW6D...g9J5
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