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Save All The Robots is a limited series of adorable characters (in the form of robots) living somewhere in a parallel universe. A limited supply of 9 unique Robots live on the Solana Blockchain. Owning a Robot means you have a 100% unique collector’s item that no one else in the world will ever have. The puzzle is based on the game of chess, resemblance that lies in the fact that it is a positional strategy game involving enemies, threats and moves. This collection is based on 9 unique NFT(s) that will never be replicated.

Normal Robot



0 hit(s)





The Normal Robot is as joyful and innocent as a kid, but he won’t stand a single hit from any weapon, so keep him in safe places! As the most common robot species, he is still very popular, and one of the most friendly ones! Owning the Normal Robot means you have a 1 of 1 unique collector’s item that no one else in the world will ever have.

Normal Robot

執照: Pub/NonComm
已鑄造在 SolSea
該 NFT 暫未上架!
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 10 %
鑄造地址: HVKN...Fb32
NFT meta資料:在 SolScan 上查看