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Magnum Art is a group of multidisciplinary artist, started with an idea of seeing the world with a different and unique perspective. Our works are based on mythological gods, pop culture, native folk tales, current affairs, Sports etc. We have spend nearly two decade nuturing and developing our skills and try to put it through our art forms. We also find inspiration in Indian culture, heritage, and the prosperity and try to represent it through our artworks.



Door to the heaven is written by your own destiny that you write during the entire lifecycle on earth. Every deed that you do and every sin that you perform there is an end result at the end of lifecycle which everyone has to go through, and in the final stage you will be brought to the conclusion of what you did in the past and what should you get for doing that. So live a better life for you and for your family. Do good for others without any lust and greed. Be happy and make others happy.


執照: Repr/Comm
已鑄造在 SolSea
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二次銷售的創作者版稅: 2 %
鑄造地址: Hy3a...GR9k
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